
From the geo-fenced virtual time clock to in-app communication, these are the key features that make ProCrewz® the essential resource management platform.

Job Information

View comprehensive job details.

Integrated Calendar

Allows for visibility of jobs across clients and integrates with a personal calendar.

Confirm Availability & Accept Job Offers

Check availability and send job offers to your crew, where they can reply via the mobile app for easy communication.

Virtual Time Clock

The crew punches in with a geo-fenced virtual time clock.

Pre-Event Screening

Crew can be prompted to take an in-app screening to be cleared to work. Results are visible in the mobile app and client portal for managers.

Post-Event Survey

When clocking out, employees can be required to take a post-event survey confirming important details of the workday.


Automated to remind crew to punch in and out.

Alert crew of important job information like crew call changes and other timely notifications.

Streamlined Communication

Keep in touch with your crew with in-app messaging.

Contact Details

Enjoy all event contact details at your fingertips.

Submit Expenses

Your crew can submit expenses with just a snapshot of receipts.

User Profile

Crew can update personal information and see Pay Statement information.

Pay Statements

Employees can see a history and details of Pay Statements.

Upload Certifications

Enjoy the ability to seamlessly upload a training certificate.

ProCrewz® Support

In-app access to FAQ’s and Support center.

ProCrewz® Crisis Support Connect

Along with technical support, ProCrewz® offers in-app Crisis Support for those looking for trusted addiction and mental health care resources.